The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly is the regular four yearly event that defines the next period of study for the ITU-Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T).
2004 Assembly[]
In October 2004, the Assembly was held in Brazil. During the Assembly, ITU Members approved two resolutions relating to future ITU activities in the field of spam. The first one, "Resolution 51 on Combating Spam," instructs the Directors of ITU's three Sectors and the Secretary-General urgently to prepare a report to the 2005 Council on relevant ITU and other international initiatives for countering spam, and to propose — with the contribution of Member States and Sector Members — possible follow-up actions for consideration by the Council. The Resolution further invites Member States to take the appropriate steps within their national legal frameworks to ensure that appropriate and effective measures are taken to combat spam.
The second Resolution, "Resolution 52 on Countering Spam by Technical Means," affirmed that "spam creates telecommunication network security problems, including by being a vehicle for spreading viruses, worms, etc." The Resolution also recognized the availability of relevant ITU-T Recommendations, which could provide guidance for future development in this area, and therefore instructs the relevant ITU-T Study Groups — in cooperation with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and other relevant groups — to develop, as a matter of urgency, technical Recommendations on countering spam, as appropriate, and to report regularly to the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group on their progress. This effort should be supported by all necessary assistance from the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, which will report on the subject to the ITU Council.