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The IT Law Wiki


ITU, Toolkit for Cybercrime Legislation (Feb. 2010) (full-text).


The Toolkit is intended to provide countries with sample legislative language and reference materials that can assist in the establishment of harmonized cybercrime laws and procedural rules. The Sample Language provided in the Toolkit, while not a model law, was developed after a comprehensive analysis of the laws of developed nations and the Council of Europe (CoE) Convention on Cybercrime.

The Toolkit language is consistent with these laws and is intended to serve as a guide for countries desiring to develop, draft, or modify their own cybercrime laws. The Toolkit is intended to advance the global harmonization of cybercrime laws by serving as a central resource to help legislators, attorneys, government officials, policy experts, and industry representatives around the globe move their countries toward a consistent legal framework that protects against the misuse of ICTs.