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Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Working Party on Information Security and Privacy, The Promotion of a Culture of Security for Information Systems and Networks in OECD Countries (DSTI/ICCP/REG(2005)1/FINAL), OECD Digital Economy Paper No. 102 (Feb. 16, 2005) (full-text).


This report provided information on governments’ effective efforts up to September 2005 to foster a shift in culture as called for in the 2002 OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems and Networks: Towards a Culture of Security. It includes a detailed inventory of initiatives to implement the Guidelines in 18 OECD member countries. It also highlights main findings based on an analysis of common current trends in those countries and progress made since 2003.

The report was intended to:

  • Foster the sharing and dissemination of practical information and best practices among OECD member countries and with non-member economies.
  • Help monitor progress in national approaches to information security.
  • Be a resource for identifying key issues and best practices to further explore and address.
  • Provide new online resources to supplement the OECD “culture of security” website.