National Institute of Standards and Technology, Information Infrastructure Task Force, Committee on Applications and Technology, The Information Infrastructure: Reaching Society's Goals: Report of the Information Infrastructure Task Force Committee on Applications and Technology (NIST Special Publication 868) (Sept. 1994) (not available online).
This document is the second volume of papers in which the Information Infrastructure Task Force has attempted to articulate in clear terms, with sufficient detail, how improvements in the National Information Infrastructure (NII) can help society meet other social goals. These are not plans to be enacted, but the material with which the citizens and their elected government may have a structured conversation, a purposeful interaction and deliberation on the issues raised in the evolution of more capable means of information processing and human communications.
Eight papers are presented in this volume: (1) NII: An Investment in People with Disabilities; (2) Supply and Demand of Electric Power and the NII; (3) Improving Transportation: The NII and Intelligent Transportation Systems; (4) Promoting Telecommuting: An Application of the NII; (5) The Effect of NII on Local, State, and Federal Emergency Management; (6) Public Empowerment with Environmental Information; (7) Arts, Humanities, and Culture on the NII; and (8) Public Safety and the NII: Supporting Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Six of the papers include references.
A number of different NII applications in each of these areas are discussed along with potential costs and benefits of each.