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OECD Working Party on the Information Economy, The Evolution of News and the Internet (11 June 2010) (full-text).


This study provides an in-depth treatment of the global newspaper publishing market and its evolution, with a particular view on the development of online news and related challenges.

It assesses online news consumption patterns and new online news value networks, compared with the traditional newspaper value chain. It shows that the economics of news production and distribution has been radically altered, in particular in the context of the economic crisis which has accelerated structural changes. After very profitable years, newspaper publishers in most OECD countries face declining advertising revenues and significant reductions in titles and circulation. The economic crisis has amplified this downward development. However, the data and the large country-by-country differences, for instance, currently do not lend themselves to make the case for "the death of the newspaper," in particular if non-OECD countries and potential positive effects of the economic recovery are taken into account.
