European Commission, The European eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015 (COM (2010) 743) (Dec. 15, 2010) (full-text).
The European Commission proposes a second eGovernment Action Plan which aims to realise the ambitious vision contained in the Declaration made at the 5th Ministerial eGovernment Conference (the "Malmö Declaration"), which was also supported by industry and by a citizens' panel. This Action Plan contributes towards fulfilling two key objectives of the Digital Agenda for Europe, in particular:
- By 2015, a number of key cross-border services will be available on line — enabling entrepreneurs to set up and run a business anywhere in Europe independently of their original location, and allowing citizens to study, work, reside and retire anywhere in the European Union.
- By 2015, 50% of EU citizens will have used eGovernment services.
Since eGovernment services are also of great importance for businesses, this Action Plan also aims that by 2015, 80% of enterprises will have used eGovernment.