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The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation, 114th Cong., 2nd Sess. (Nov. 30, 2016) (full-text).


This is transcript of the November 30, 2016 hearing before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

From the opening statement of Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator from Texas:

Today, we're on the verge of a new technological revolution, thanks to the rapid advances in processing power, the rise of big data, cloud computing, mobility due to wireless capability, and advanced algorithms. Many believe that there may not be a single technology that will shape our world more in the next 50 years than artificial intelligence. In fact, some have observed that, as powerful and transformative as the Internet has been, it may be best remembered as the predicate for artificial intelligence and machine learning. Artificial intelligence is at an inflection point. [...] We are living in the dawn of artificial intelligence. And it is incumbent that Congress and this subcommittee begin to learn about the vast implications of this emerging technology to ensure that the United States remains a global leader throughout the 21st century. This is the first congressional hearing on artificial intelligence. And I am confident it will not be the last, as this growing technology raises opportunities and potential threats at the same time. I look forward to hearing from our distinguished panel of experts today.