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The APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group (TEL) supports security efforts associated with the information infrastructure of member countries through activities designed to strengthen effective incident response capabilities, develop information security guidelines, combat cybercrime, monitor security implications of emerging technologies, and foster international cooperation on cybersecurity.

It is committed to improving telecommunications and information infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region by developing and implementing appropriate telecommunications and information policies, including relevant human resource and development cooperation strategies.

Its action plan includes implementation of the e-APEC Strategy, implementation of the Digital Divide Blueprint for Action, promoting policy and regulatory measures to liberalize trade and investment in the telecommunications and information sector, e-security, e-government, mutual recognition arrangements for the conformity assessment of telecommunications equipment, human capacity building and an active dialogue with the business community.

According to APEC, the working group has pursued some of these activities by collaborating with other international organizations, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the International Telecommunication Union, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The four subgroups within TEL are the Security and Prosperity Steering Group (SPSG), the ICT Development Steering Group (ICTDSG), the APEC-TEL MRA and the Liberalisation Steering Committee.