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Standardization is the process of developing and agreeing upon technical standards.


The goals of standardization can be to help with independence of single suppliers (commoditization), compatibility, interoperability, safety, repeatability, or quality.

"Standardization is a form of economic self-regulation that can relieve the Government of the responsibility for developing detailed technical specifications while ensuring that voluntary consensus standards serve the public interest, saving resources that can be used to serve the public in other ways."[1]

There are generally three phases in the standardization process:

  1. The development phase in which the technical elements of the information needed for the standard are acquired through research either in the industry itself or in some external institution.
  2. The adoption phase in which there is formal acceptance by individual firms of the standard.
  3. The use phase in which there is actual use of the standard for product or process development.

United States[]

"The U.S. standardization community is comprised largely of non-governmental Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs). These groups are primarily shaped by industry participation and are motivated by market forces. USG participation is motivated by the need to achieve cost-efficient, timely and effective solutions for mission and policy objectives. These diverse motivations are mutually beneficial."[2]
