FTC Staff Report, Spam Summit: The Next Generation of Threats and Solutions: A Staff Report by the Federal Trade Commission's Division of Marketing Practices (Dec. 2007) (full-text).
On July 11 and 12, 2007, FTC staff convened a two-day workshop, "Spam Summit: The Next Generation of Threats and Solutions," to assess the impact of malicious spam on consumers, and to explore steps that stakeholders should take to mitigate the harmful effects of malicious spam. Summit panelists confirmed that the nature of spam has changed, as it has become a significant, global vector for malware and financial crime.
The nearly 50 panelists worked through a comprehensive nine-panel agenda that: defined the malicious spam problem; identified methods used for sending malicious spam; explored the malware economy; identified threats that malicious spam poses to emerging platforms such as mobile devices and social networking [[[website]]s; examined countermeasures for law enforcement; developed educational tips for empowering consumers; identified best practices for legitimate email marketers; and explored strategies for reducing the impact of malicious spam.
This report provides an overview of the FTC's role in the fight against fraudulent spam and phishing, explores key themes that emerged from the Summit, and identifies steps that stakeholders can take to mitigate the harms that result from malicious spam and phishing.