The IT Law Wiki
The IT Law Wiki
A computer without programs is like a phonograph without records — it won't play.[1]


Software (also computer software) is

a collection of one or more programs or microprograms fixed in any tangible medium of expression.[2]
the instructions and associated information that control the operations of computers and their components. It includes firmware, systems software, programming software (including programming languages and compilers), and software development environments. It also includes application software for data and information capture, creation, manipulation, modification, transmission, storage, search, access or retrieval, and visualization.[3]


  1. Improving COBOL Applications Can Recover Significant Computer Resources, at 1.
  2. U.S. Export Administration Regulations, Part 772 (15 C.F.R. §772.1).
  3. President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Leadership Under Challenge: Information Technology R&D in a Competitive World An Assessment of the Federal Networking and Information Technology R&D Program (Aug. 2007) (full-text).

See also[]