The Social, Economic, and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development Coordinating Group (SEW CG) coordinates the activities of the Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of Information Technology (IT) and IT Workforce Development Program Component Area (PCA), including the work of the CG’s subsidiary Team focusing on IT and education.
The activities funded under SEW focus on
- the co-evolution of IT and social/economic systems
- interactions between people and IT devices and capabilities
- the workforce development, training, and education needs arising from the growing demand for productive next-generation workers skilled in IT, including graduate fellowships and
- the role of innovative IT applications in education and training.
A key goal of SEW research and outreach activities is to enable individuals and society to better understand and anticipate the uses and consequences of IT, so that this knowledge can inform policymaking, IT designs, and the IT user community, and can broaden participation in IT education and careers.