Reducing Over-Classification Act, Pub. L. No 111–258, 124 Stat. 2648 (Oct. 7, 2010).
The Act establishes procedures to promote information sharing with state, local, tribal, and private sector entities, and by providing training and incentives to promote accurate classification of information by federal employees.
Specifically, the Act requires the Department of Homeland Security to designate a Classified Information Advisory Officer to disseminate educational materials and administer training programs to assist state, local, tribal, and private sector entities; it directs the Director of National Intelligence to establish guidance to standardize formats for intelligence products; and it institutes annual training for employees with original classification authority.
The Act also directed the Inspector General of certain federal agencies, including the Department of Justice (DOJ), to: (1) assess whether applicable classification policies, procedures, rules, and regulations have been adopted, followed, and are effectively administered within such department, agency, or component; and (2) identify policies, procedures, rules, regulations, or management practices that may be contributing to persistent misclassification of material within such department, agency, or component. The Act required the evaluation to be completed by September 30, 2013. A second evaluation required by the Act, which is due by September 30, 2016, will review DOJ's progress in implementing the recommendations of the audit.
- Audit of DOJ's Implementation of and Compliance with Certain Classification Requirements, Inspector General Audit Report 13-40, at i (Sept. 2013) (full-text).