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Article 29 Working Party, Opinion 8/2014 on the Recent Developments on the Internet of Things (Sept. 16, 2014) (full-text).


This opinion identifies the main data protection risks that lie within the ecosystem of the IoT before providing guidance on how the EU legal framework should be applied in this context. The Working Party supports the incorporation of the highest possible guarantees for individual users at the heart of the projects by relevant stakeholders. In particular, users must remain in complete control of their personal data throughout the product lifecycle, and when organisations rely on consent as a basis for processing, the consent should be fully informed, freely given and specific. To help them meet this end, the Working Party designed a comprehensive set of practical recommendations addressed to the different stakeholders concerned (device manufacturers, application developers, social platforms, further data recipients, data platforms and standardisation bodies) to help them implement privacy and data protection in their products and services.