The "National Telecommunications Network for Technology Education and Research," was deployed in France in the early 1990s to unite the telecommunications infrastructure for research and education. To carry out this action, the public interest group RENATER was formed in February 1993.
Member organizations GIP RENATER are: CNRS, CPU, CEA, INRIA, CNES, INRA, INSERM, ONERA, CIRAD, Cemagref, IRD, BRGM and the Ministère of Education and Higher Education and Sought After.
This secure network with a speed exceeding 100 Gbps on certain routes, providing national and international connectivity dedicated to over 2 million users (students, teachers, researchers) through 1400 teaching and research sites.
RENATER offers a portfolio of services (mobility, telephony, video conferencing, security, identity federation, e-mail, spam) and efficient collaborative services adapted to the needs of the community.
Since late 2012, RENATER is pooling its infrastructure and puts his expertise to the Interministerial Directorate for Information and Communication Systems State, contributing to the deployment of RIE (Interdepartmental Network of the State).