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Department of Homeland Security, Protected Critical Infrastructure Information Program Procedures Manual (Apr. 2009) (full-text).


This Manual provides guidance governing PCII and the PCII Program as established by Section 214 of the Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002 (CII Act)[1] and Section 29.4(b)(4) of the Implementing Regulation ("Regulation").[2]

This revised Manual reflects the evolution of the PCII Program as an information sharing tool, the operational experience the PCII Program Office gained over the last three years, and the issuance of the Regulation in September 2006 that amended the interim rule under which the PCII Program had been operating.


  1. Title II, Subtitle B, of the Homeland Security Act of 2002.
  2. 6 C.F.C., Part 29, as amended. Also known as the Final Rule: Procedures for Handling Protected Critical Infrastructure Information.