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The President’s Identity Theft Task Force was established by Executive Order 13402 on May 10, 2006, to fight against identity theft.[1] The Task Force was to craft a strategic plan aiming to make the federal government’s efforts more effective and efficient in the areas of identity theft awareness, prevention, detection, and prosecution. The Task Force focused on several areas:

  • Law Enforcement. The Task Force examined the tools law enforcement can use to prevent, investigate, and prosecute identity theft crimes; recover the proceeds of these crimes; and ensure just and effective punishment of identity thieves.
  • Education. The Task Force surveyed current education efforts by government agencies and the private sector on how individuals and corporate citizens can protect personal data.
  • Government safeguards. Because government must help reduce, rather than exacerbate, incidents of identity theft, the Task Force worked with many federal agencies to determine how the government can increase safeguards to better secure the personal data that it and private businesses hold.

The Task Force conducted meetings, spoke with stakeholders, and invited public comment on key issues. On April 23, 2007, the Task Force issued its report, titled Combating Identity Theft: A Strategic Plan.


  1. Executive Order 13402, “Strengthening Federal Efforts To Protect Against Identity Theft,” 71 Fed. Reg. 27945 (May 10, 2006).