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The President's Council on the 21st Century Workforce was established in 2001 by Executive Order 13218. The Council was to provide information and advice to the President through the Secretary of Labor, the Office of the 21st Century Workforce within the Department of Labor, and other appropriate Federal officials relating to issues affecting the 21st century workforce. These activities included:

(i) assessing the effects of rapid technological changes, demographic trends, globalization, changes in work processes, and the need for new and enhanced skills for workers, employers, and other related sectors of society;
(ii) examining current and alternative approaches to assisting workers and employers in adjusting to and benefitting from such changes, including opportunities for workplace education, retraining, access to assistive technologies and workplace supports, and skills upgrading;
(iii) identifying impediments to the adjustment to such changes by workers and employers and recommending approaches and policies that could remove those impediments;
(iv) assisting the Office of the 21st Century Workforce in reviewing programs carried out by the Department of Labor and identifying changes to such programs that would stream line and update their effectiveness in meeting the needs of the workforce; and
(v) analyzing such additional issues relating to the workforce and making such reports as the President or the Secretary of Labor may request.