Library of Congress, Preserving Our Digital Heritage: Plan for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program. A Collaborative Initiative of the Library of Congress (Oct. 2002) (full-text).
The goal of the plan for digital preservation is to encourage shared responsibility for digital content and to seek national solutions for:
- the continuing collection, selection, and organization of the most historically significant cultural materials and of important information resources, regardless of evolving formats,
- the long-term storage, preservation, and authenticity of those collections, and
- persistent, rights-protected access for the public to the digital heritage of the American people.
This document is the culmination of the initial research and planning phase. It represents the fruits of intensive consultations with a wide range of American and international innovators, creators, and high-level managers of digital information in the private and public sectors. This document reports on the planning approach and on what has been learned from a variety of activities. It proposes a strategy that, as it moves forward, will be continually scrutinized and refined to keep current with the rapid and unpredictable developments of technology, of the legal and rights regime governing digital content, and of the economic and security uncertainties of our time.