EU, Article 29 Working Party on Data Protection, Opinion 5/2009 on Online Social Networking (June 12, 2009) (full-text).
This Opinion focuses on how the operation of social networking sites can meet the requirements of EU data protection legislation. It principally is intended to provide guidance to SNS providers on the measures that need to be in place to ensure compliance with EU law.
Key recommendations focus on the obligations of SNS providers to conform with the EU Data Protection Directive and to uphold and strengthen the rights of users. Of paramount importance, SNS providers should inform users of their identity from the outset and outline all the different purposes for which they process personal data. Particular care should be taken by SNS providers with regard to the processing of the personal data of minors. The Opinion recommends that users should only upload pictures or information about other individuals, with the individual’s consent and considers that SNS also have a duty to advise users regarding the privacy rights of others.