The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (ASD(NII)) was the principal staff assistant to the Secretary of Defense on network policies, information technology, network operations, and information assurance. The ASD(NII) was disestablished by DoD Directive 5144.02 on April 22, 2013, and its responsibilities were transferred to the DoD Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO).
The DoD CIO provides strategic-level guidance and oversight for computer network operations, including network operations and information assurance; the responsibilities include (1) developing and maintaining the DOD information assurance program and associated policies, procedures, and standards; (2) providing DOD-wide policy regarding the use of the Internet and Web site administration; and (3) providing policies, oversight, and guidance for all communications and information network programs and initiatives across DOD.
It is involved extensively in the inter-agency cybersecurity efforts of CNCI.