Office of Management and Budget, Preparation and Submission of the Budget (OMB Circular No. A-11) (Aug. 3, 2012) (full-text).
Because FASA and ITMRA establish an "investment" focus that tightly links programs, budget, and acquisitions, the importance of OMB Circular No. A-11 to acquisition professionals has increased dramatically. There are three key areas of interest to those concerned with obtaining (and retaining) funds for acquisition:
- Part 42 (formerly Part 43) establishes the data requirements and justifications related to acquisition, operation, and use of information technology (including financial management systems). It also details requirements for "agency analysis for information systems investments" which includes business/mission analysis, work process redesign, planning and requirements development, and acquisition strategies.
- Part 2 addresses preparation and submission of strategic plans and annual performance plans under the requirements of GPRA.
- Part 3 provides guidance to agencies on planning, budgeting, and acquisition of capital assets, including information technology. Under Part 3 requirements, agencies prepare a capital asset plan and justification for certain major acquisitions, such as those that are mission-critical or are significant in the administration of agency programs. Part 3 stipulates:
“ | The capital asset plan should also satisfy requirements in the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 (ITMRA) for performance and results-based management. This may include goals for improving agency operations through the use of information technology, benchmarking of agency processes, descriptions of how information technology will be used in helping achieve program goals, and assessments of the staffing, skill, and training needs of agency employees in the information resources management area. ITMRA requirements can be met by including these goals in the annual performance plan. | ” |
Section 53 Information Technology and E-government explains why IT investments needed to be reported.
OMB Circular No. A-11 is re-issued annually, normally in June or July.