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Network defense (NetD) is the

employment of network-based capabilities to defend friendly information resident in or transiting through networks against adversary efforts to destroy, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp it. NetD can be viewed as planning, directing, and executing actions to prevent unauthorized activity in defense of [military] information systems and networks and for planning, directing, and executing responses to recover from unauthorized activity should it occur.[1]

Presidential Directive[]

Network defense (NetD) is the

[p]rograms, activities, and the use of tools necessary to facilitate them (including those governed by and conducted on a computer, network, or information or communications system by the owner or with the consent of the owner and, as appropriate, the users for the primary purpose of protecting (1) that computer, network, or system; (2) data stored on, processed on, or transiting that computer, network, or system; or (3) physical and virtual infrastructure controlled by that computer, network, or system. Network defense does not involve or require accessing or conducting activities on computers, networks, or information or communications systems without authorization from the owners or exceeding access authorized by the owners.[2]


  1. Air Force Doctrine Document 2-5, Information Operations 20 (Jan. 11, 2005) (full-text).
  2. Presidential Policy Directive 20, at 2.

See also[]