The IT Law Wiki


Established by Congress in 1989, and funded by a grant through NASA, the Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) offers technology assessment services and develops lasting partnerships among industry, academia and government agencies. Government and commercial clients look to the NTTC to provide technology transfer services more effectively than they can provide on their own.

The Center focuses on providing essential services nationwide for the commercialization of technologies developed by federal agencies and other clients. In addition, it researches the commercial and government marketplace to locate available technologies that meet its clients' array of needs.

The Center's team involves professional experts in a variety of areas:

  • Intellectual property management
  • Engineering
  • Computer information/Database development
  • Market analysis
  • Professional and technical writing, publications production
  • Graphic design
  • Business and manufacturing consulting
  • Financial analysis
  • Training.

The NTTC has over 20-years of experience performing in-depth technology assessments of over 4,000 technologies and market areas, training 6,832 professionals on technology transfer, distributing over 40,000 technical support packages for government technologies, and performing over 1,582 searches of specific government technology for businesses.