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The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) is

the means to assemble geographic information that describes the arrangement and attributes of features and phenomena on the Earth. The infrastructure includes the materials, technology, and people necessary to acquire, process, store, and distribute such information to meet a wide variety of needs.[1]
technology, policies, standards, human resources, and related activities necessary to acquire, process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve spatial data.[2]
an infrastructure to facilitate the efficient collection, sharing, and dissemination of geospatial data among all levels of government, and public and private sectors. . . .[3]


The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) was established by Executive Order 12906.

The purpose of the NSDI is to provide accurate and reliable data for decisions that enhance Americans' health, safety and welfare, security, and prosperity. Public- and private-sector decision-makers are realizing the challenges of implementing effective actions. Complex, dynamic, long-term policy areas — such as global warming, the aftermath of the housing bubble, and preparing for and responding to natural disasters — require better and more accessible data, new analytic tools, and new ways of collaborating among disparate stakeholders. The NSDI will provide powerful capabilities that use digital map information to connect vast amounts of data by geographic location. It will help decision-makers visualize and understand complex situations. A complete NSDI will allow disparate information to be combined, analyzed, and displayed in space and time to show patterns that are often critical to wise decision-making.

The NSDI will be a collaborative environment in which all government agencies that collect, manage, or use geospatial data will facilitate data integration, sharing, and data access.



See also[]