National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (Aug. 2017) (NIST Special Publication 800-181) (full-text).
This publication provides a fundamental reference in support of a workforce capable of meeting an organization's cybersecurity needs by using a common, consistent lexicon to describe cybersecurity work by category, specialty area, and work role. It provides a superset of cybersecurity Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) and Tasks for each work role. The NICE Framework supports consistent organizational and sector communication for cybersecurity education, training, and workforce development.
A user of the NICE Framework will reference it for different aspects of workforce development, education and/or training purposes, and when that material is used at organizational levels, the user should customize what is pulled from the NICE Framework to standards, regulations, needs, and mission of the user's organization. The NICE Framework is a reference starting point for the content of guidance and guidelines on career paths, education, training, and credentialing programs.
The NICE Framework is a resource that will strengthen an organization's ability to communicate consistently and clearly about cybersecurity work and its cybersecurity workforce. Organizations or sectors can develop additional publications or tools that meet their needs to define or provide guidance on different aspects of workforce development, planning, training, and education.