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The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (CMCF) is an independent self-regulatory body set up via the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA'98) on March 29, 2001 and operates under the auspices of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

The CMCF is made up of six "Ordinary" member categories, namely: Advertisers, Audiotext Hosting Service Providers, Broadcasters, Civic Groups, Content Creators/Distributors and Internet Access Service Providers.

The CMCF governs content by self-regulation in line with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Content Code ("Content Code") which is a set of industry guidelines for the usage and/or dissemination of content via the electronic networked medium for public consumption.

The Content Code is enforced by the CMCF and it sets out the guidelines and procedures for good practice and standards of content disseminated over the electronic networked medium by service providers in the communications and multimedia industry in Malaysia. The CMCF through its Complaints Bureau receives, considers, mediates and, if necessary, adjudicates and make ruling on matters such as complaints and grievances relating to alleged breaches of the Content Code.

A Content Advisory Centre (CAC) is under the CMCF's setup whereby it aims to help provide advice on electronic content. As a result, the CAC provides assistance in order to avoid misinterpretation of the Content Code as well as practical advice on application of the Code. The advice covers commercial content such as advertisements on television, radio, Internet and the mobile platform produced by the industry players. The CAC also addresses enquiries from the public as well.

Since its existence, the CMCF has engaged in various efforts in cultivating awareness on self-regulation of content disseminated over the electronic networked medium. The CMCF aims to educate the public on the benefits of self-regulation by conducting training sessions for the Content Code, engaging the public and the industry via conferences and seminars, as well as embarking on roadshows throughout the nation.