Government Accountability Office, Major Automated Information Systems: Selected Defense Programs Need to Implement Key Acquisition Practices (GAO-14-309) (Mar. 27, 2014) (full-text).
The National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2012 mandated that the GAO select and assess DOD MAIS programs annually through March 2018. This report discusses the results of the GAO's second annual assessment. Based on the Act's requirements, GAO's objectives were to (1) describe the extent to which selected MAIS programs have changed their planned cost and schedule estimates and met performance targets; (2) assess selected MAIS programs' actions to manage risks; and (3) assess the extent to which selected MAIS programs used key information technology acquisition best practices.
The GAO selected 15 of the 42 DOD MAIS programs based on several factors, including representation from multiple DOD components, and summarized the results of analyses of cost, schedule, and performance across the programs. Further, the GAO selected 3 of the 15 programs (1 each from DHA, DLA, and Navy) and assessed them against best practices for risk management, requirements management, and project monitoring and control.
The GAO recommends that DOD direct the programs to address respective weaknesses in their risk management, requirements management, and project monitoring and control practices.