President's Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies, Liberty and Security in a Changing World: Report and Recommendations of the President's Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies (Dec. 12, 2013) (full-text).
This Final Report contains 46 recommendations that are designed to protect U.S. national security and advance U.S. foreign policy while also respecting the country's longstanding commitment to privacy and civil liberties, recognizing our need to maintain the public trust (including the trust of U.S. friends and allies abroad), and reducing the risk of unauthorized disclosures.
The Report emphasizes the need to develop principles designed to create strong foundations for the future. The goal was to establish broad understandings and principles that can provide helpful orientation during the coming months, years, and decades.
Regarding Executive Order 13587, this report issued the following findings and recommendations:
“ | In recognition of the need to improve security on government networks with classified data, President Obama issued Executive Order 13587 to improve the security of classified networks against the Insider Threat. We have found that the implementation of that directive has been at best uneven and far too slow. Every day that it remains unimplemented, sensitive data, and therefore potentially lives, are at risk. Interagency implementation monitoring was not performed at a sufficiently high level in OMB or the NSS [national security staff]. The Administration did not direct the re-programming of adequate funds. Officials who were tardy in compliance were not held accountable. No central staff was created to enforce implementation or share best practices and lessons learned.
We believe that the implementation of Executive Order 13578 should be greatly accelerated, that deadlines should be moved up and enforced, and the adequate funding should be made available within agency budget ceilings and a Deputy Assistant to the President might be directed to enforce implementation. The interagency process might be co-led by the Deputy Director of OMB. |
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