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Joel Brenner, Keeping America Safe: Toward More Secure Networks for Critical Sectors (Mar. 2017) (full-text).


This report asserts that the most vital economic systems in the U.S. are essentially defenseless. It makes both long- and short-term recommendations of broad applicability to critical infrastructure in the United States and, excepting certain legal and regulatory matters, to critical infrastructure globally.

The report identifies eight strategic challenges to illuminate our predicament and guide our policy and research. Under each challenge, it makes findings to address them. The recommendations cover a wide range of issues, from the organization of cybersecurity in the Executive Office of the President to technical measures of network security and misaligned regulatory incentives. Each of the challenges is then followed by a series of research questions whose answers could help meet that challenge.

The report addresses three audiences: government officials, public and private institutions that fund research, and the researchers themselves. By changing and focusing the research environment, the author believes the nation could materially improve its long-term security environment.