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U.S. Department of Defense, Joint Vision 2020 (JV-2020) (May 30, 2000) (full-text).


This document provides a vision of future war and of a corresponding American military strategy that is enabled by its information resources.

JV 2020 is written strictly as a concept leaving it up to all stakeholders to decipher, understand, interpret and translate into their own policy and doctrine. JV 2020 posits the "state" of information superiority as a necessary condition in which the joint force can achieve full spectrum dominance, leaving it to the services and joint force commanders to determine the "what" and "how" of information superiority.[1]

Joint Vision 2020 outlines specific aspirations for the military services as a way to synchronize their efforts in the information operations field and other aspects of precision warfare. Among other things, JV-2020 states:

changes in the information environment make information superiority a key enabler of the transformation of the operational capabilities of the joint force and the evolution of joint command and control.

The document envisages the military threats that might confront the United States in the year 2020 and possible responses to these threats.

The implication of JV 2020 is that the Army must be capable of providing information superiority for Army forces and be able to conduct information operations in support of the Joint Force Commander's requirement for information superiority.[2]


See also[]

External resources[]

  • "Joint Vision 2020 Emphasizes Full-spectrum Dominance," Defense Link article, June 2000 (full-text).