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The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is

a worldwide law enforcement organization established for mutual assistance in the prevention, detection, and deterrence of international crimes. It houses international police databases, provides secure international communications between member countries for the exchange of routine criminal investigative information, and is an information clearinghouse on international criminal/fugitives and stolen properties.[1]

It is composed of 188 member countries.

Information technology crimes[]

INTERPOL was the first international organization to address computer crime and penal legislation. It frequently serves as the basis of co-operation between national police forces in conducting multinational investigations of online crime. INTERPOL has decentralized its cybercrime expert teams around the world through the establishment of regional Working Parties on Information Technology Crime for Europe, Latin America, Asia, South Pacific and Africa:[1]

INTERPOL has a network of investigators in national computer crime units to help law enforcement seize digital evidence as quickly as possible and facilitate cooperation when a cyber attack involves multiple jurisdictions. To develop strategies for emerging cybercrime methods, it assembles groups of experts into regional working groups that harness the regional expertise available in Europe, Asia, the Americas, the Middle East, and North Africa. The working party activities are to include sharing information on regional cybercrime trends, enhancing cooperation among the member countries, and developing educational materials for law enforcement.

European Working Party on Information Technology Crime[]

Interpol’s European Working Party on Information Technology Crime (EWPITC) has compiled a best practices guide ("The Information Technology Crime Investigation Manual (ITCIM)") for experienced investigators from law enforcement agencies. It has also set up a rapid information exchange system under an international 24-hour response scheme, listing responsible experts within more than 100 countries. This scheme was notably endorsed by the G8 24/7 High Tech Crime Network (“G8 24/7 HTCN”). The EWPITC further agreed to conduct a project aimed at enabling law enforcement agencies worldwide to investigate botnets and malicious code. This work will facilitate an operational co-operation project of European BotNet investigators to share intelligence and best practices.


  1. U.S. Department of Justice, Minimum Criminal Intelligence Training Standards for Law Enforcement and Other Criminal Justice Agencies in the United States 42 (Ver. 2) (Oct. 2007) (full-text).

See also[]
