The Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015) masterplan is a living blueprint, jointly developed with the people and the private sectors, to navigate Singapore's transition into "An Intelligent Nation, A Global City, Powered By Infocomm." iN2015 will fuel creativity and enable innovation among businesses and individuals by providing an infocomm platform that supports enterprise and talent. It will connect businesses, individuals and communities, giving them the ability to harness resources and capabilities across geographies.
The goals of the iN2015 strategy are:
- To establish an ultra-high speed, pervasive, intelligent and trusted infocomm infrastructure
- To develop a globally competitive infocomm industry
- To develop an infocomm-savvy workforce and globally competitive infocomm manpower
- To spearhead the transformation of key economic sectors, government and society through more sophisticated and innovative use of infocomm.
- Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, "iN2015 Masterplan" (full-text).