State of California[]
The Information Technology Capital Plan is the state government's plan to:
- Ensure that IT investments drive program efficiency and effectiveness and improve the quality of government services for Californians.
- Facilitate improvements in internal business processes and financial management through IT investments.
- Link IT investments to state and agency priorities and business direction.
- Promote the alignment of IT investments with the Agency's enterprise architecture (Technology, Standards, and Infrastructure), and the state's Strategic Plan.
- Enhance and promote enterprise data sharing through IT investments while ensuring the information security (availability, integrity, and confidentiality) of data systems.
- Facilitate consideration and conceptual approval to pursue selected IT investments.[1]
- ↑ State of California, Office of the State Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Capital Plan, Preparation Instructions 1 (Rev. Apr. 2009) (SIMM Section 57) (full-text).