General Accounting Office, Information Technology: Non-Federal Computer Acquisition Practices Provide Useful Information for Streamlining Federal Methods (AFMD-81-104) (Oct. 2, 1981) (full-text).
The GAO undertook a study to determine how 18 non-federal organizations acquire computer equipment.
The study of the 18 non-federal organizations showed that the agencies': (1) managers are committed to using the computer effectively as a tool for achieving business goals; (2) strategies and plans provide a framework and operational direction for computer acquisitions; and (3) practices and procedures are understood, followed, and consonant with normal business practices. The GAO found that the 18 organizations studied normally completed computer equipment acquisitions within 1 year. These non-federal organizations make the users responsible for their information requirements. Specific contracting practices enable these organizations to procure computer equipment within short timeframes. Central procurement offices are responsible for either conducting or coordinating the computer equipment procurement.