The President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion's Information Coordination Center (ICC) was created by the President in a June 1999 amendment to Executive Order 13073. The ICC enabled the Federal Government to collect information on and report about the status of key systems during the Y2K date rollover.
To gather information during the actual date change period, the ICC relied to a large extent upon existing structures. Federal agencies reported on the status of their own critical systems. The ICC worked with FEMA to create an electronic system to obtain regularly updated State reports on the status of State and local government operations and systems in critical infrastructures such as power, telecommunications and health care.
In the private sector, more than 10 major industry groups agreed to establish National Information Centers (NICs) for gathering information on the status of systems in key industries such as electric power and air transportation and to share that information with the ICC. Internationally, the State, Defense, and Transportation Departments provided the ICC information about system operations outside of the United States collected from U.S. embassies, international organizations, and other posts.
In addition, the International Y2K Cooperation Center (IY2KCC), established under the auspices of the United Nations and the World Bank, provided the ICC and the public with additional information about system operations abroad gathered from national Y2K coordinators.