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Industry to Grid (I2G) is

[o]ne of the six DOE GridWise Architecture Council and NIST defined Smart Grid domains that focus on interoperability and interaction between the electric grid and industrial facilities, including electric power generation.[1]


This group identifies business and policy objectives and requisite interactions, and also identifies standard services and interfaces needed for interoperability (e.g., syntax and semantics of information transfer, service interface protocols). This group is preparing a transition strategy for future energy transfers between industrial facilities and the electric grid, in various manifestations, to meet fluctuating demand at predictable quality and price. This should be accomplished while acknowledging variable supplier delivery capability and regulatory requirements, and while optimizing energy conservation. This group developed a presentation, on the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Systems (OASIS) Energy Interoperation Technical Committee (EITC), which defines the interaction between the Smart Grid and smart facilities.
