Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie, Industries culturelles et nouvelles techniques (1994) (the Sirinelli Report) (full-text).
The contents of the report can be compared to those of the green and white books published in 1994 and 1996 by the Clinton Administration. Their explicit goal was to protect the American intellectual property abroad in the electronic world.
Just like the Clinton Administration reports, the Sirinelli report does not envision the future of the authors' rights system without ever-present exclusive rights and legal protections of technical measures. Its recommendations:
- 1. ban all software non-implementing schemes tracking and controlling private uses; :2. make liable, both in civil and penal courts, anyone providing means to facilitate unauthorised electronic transmissions of copies of works — complete or partial. It interprets jurisprudence quite radically, seeks no compromise or balance, and is biased towards a handful of big companies. It ignores the facts that culture is not merchandises, the public has rights, and the authors' rights should not be diverted to hamper progress and innovation.