National Research Council, Committee on National Statistics, Improving Access to and Confidentiality of Research Data: Report of a Workshop (Christopher Mackie & Norman Bradburn, eds. 2000) (full-text).
The workshop summarized in this report was convened by the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) to promote discussion about methods for advancing the often conflicting goals of exploiting the research potential of microdata and maintaining acceptable levels of confidentiality.
Sponsors voiced a common desire to develop research programs aimed at quantitatively assessing the risks of re-identification in surveys linked to administrative data. Sponsors also stressed the importance of demonstrating and weighing the value of linked data to research and policy.
The workshop was designed to advance the dialogue necessary for federal agencies to make sound decisions about how and to whom to release data, and in what cases to allow linkage to administrative records. Sponsors were interested in improving communication among communities with divergent interests, as well as the decision-making frameworks for guiding data release procedures.