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The IT Law Wiki



Identity management (IdM) is the enrollment and subsequent verification (i.e., the decision made as a result of authentication) that gives individuals trusted means to prove who they are to others and/or are entitled to a service or benefit.


Identity management is

[t]he comprehensive management and administration of user permissions, privileges, and individual profile data. It provides a single point of administration for managing the lifecycle of accounts and profile data.[1]
[p]rocesses and policies involved in managing the lifecycle and value, type and optional metadata of attributes in identities known in a particular identity domain.[2]


Identity management (IdM or IDM) is

the combination of technical systems, rules, and procedures that define the ownership, utilization, and safeguarding of personal identity information. The primary goal of the IdM process is to assign attributes to a digital identity and to connect that identity to an individual.[3]
[t]he structured creation, capture, syntactical expression, storage, tagging, maintenance, retrieval, use and destruction of identities by means of diverse arrays of different technical, operational, and legal systems and practices.[4]
[p]rograms, processes, technologies, and personnel used to create trusted digital identity representations of humans, devices, services, and other entities; bind those identities to credentials that may serve as a proxy for the entities in access transactions; and employ the credentials to provide authorized access to resources.[5]
