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An identifier is

[a] unique data string used as a key in the biometric system to name a person's identity and its associated attributes."[1]


An identifier is

a piece of information, such as a name, a serial number, or some other data that points to the entity being identified.
a series of digits, characters and symbols or any other form of data used to identify subscriber(s), user(s), network element(s), function(s), network entity(ies) providing services/applications, or other entities (e.g., physical or logical objects).[2]
[i]dentity information that unambiguously distinguishes one entity from another one in a given identity domain.[3]
[a] data object uniquely referring to a specific identity of a protocol entity or individual in some context. . . . Identifiers can be based upon natural names — official names, personal names, and/or nicknames — or can be artificial (for example, x9z32vb). However, identifiers are by definition unique within their context of use, while natural names are often not unique.[4]


An identifier is

[s]omething (data) that identifies an assessment object or other entity of interest (like a defect check). In database terms, it is a primary or candidate key that can be used to uniquely identify the assessment object so it is not confused with other objects.[5]
Unique data used to represent a person’s identity and associated attributes. A name or a card number are examples of identifiers.[6]

An identifier is "[a] unique label used by a system to indicate a specific entity, object, or group."[7]


"An identifier points to an individual. An identifier could be a name, a serial number, or some other pointer to the entity being identified. Examples of personal identifiers include personal names, Social Security numbers (SSNs), credit card numbers, and employee identification numbers. It is sometimes necessary to distinguish between identifiers and the things that they identify."[8]


See also[]
