The vision behind the Japanese ICT Growth Strategy II is generating new innovation by linking things and services with ICT. The strategy sets out three priority projects that will take advantage of the special National Strategic Zone:
- (1) revitalize local regions through ICT smart towns, geospatial information cities, and other initiatives;
- (2) solve social issues by applying ICT in medical, education, disaster-management, and other fields; and
- (3) move ahead with the creation of free public Wireless LAN access networks, further the Global Communication Project (an advanced multilingual voice translation system), and implement other initiatives ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.
And to build out common ICT frameworks, the strategy calls for the creation of geospatial information, ICT smart town, and other platforms, the development and expansion of ICT infrastructure, and the arrangement of other conditions for ICT development such as R&D, the development and utilization of ICT personnel, and the actualization of information security measures.
- Information and Communications in Japan 2014, Ch. 2, at 10.