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A high level computer language is one that is essentially independent of any specific computer platform. Each high-level language instruction does the same job as multiple assembly language instructions. High level language programs are easier to write and understand than machine language programs, more closely resemble human language, but cannot be executed directly by the computer. For this reason, programs are usually first written in a high level computer language, and then translated into machine language by a compiler or interpreter so that they can be executed by the computer.

High level languages use English-1ike instructions. Each high level language instruction does the same job as multiple assembly language instructions. Because the computer does not understand high level language instructions, they are translated into machine language instructions using a special program called a compiler.


Examples of high level computer languages include:

  • FORTRAN – for years, the dominant language for mathematics and scientific programming
  • PL/I – an attempt to create a "be all and end all" language
  • COBOL – for years, the dominant language for business applications