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Hand geometry is

the shape of the human hand, size of the palm, and the lengths and widths of the fingers.[1]


"Hand geometry relies on measurements of the width, height, and length of the fingers, distances between joints, and the shape of knuckles. Using optical cameras and light-emitting diodes that have mirrors and reflectors, two orthogonal, two-dimension images of the back and the sides of the hand are taken. Based on these images, 96 measurements are then calculated and a template created."[2]

"Hand geometry is perceived as very accurate and has been used in a variety of industries to regulate access control for more than 30 years. It is useful in identifying who is permitted somewhere or to do something and who is not. It is very difficult to spoof someone's hand shadow without the person's cooperation. The necessary information is not left behind physically (as, by contrast, a fingerprint often is), so that it is quite difficult to create a fake hand that would work on the unit without the enrolled person's knowledge."[3]


  1. Biometric Recognition: Challenges and Opportunities 32 (Joseph N. Pato & Lynette I. Millett, eds. 2010) (full-text).
  2. Biometric Technologies: Security, Legal, and Policy Implications, at 3.
  3. Id.

See also[]