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Grid computing

involves a group of computers, in either the same location or spread over a number of locations, that are networked together (e.g., via the Internet or a local network).[1]
uses available processing capacity across a grid of processors. Workload balancing allows high availability and parallel processing of the analytics algorithms. This arrangement is well-suited to applications in which multiple parallel computations can take place independently, without the need to communicate intermediate results between processors.[2]


Grid computing divides a computer program among numerous computers. It can be confined to a single entity’s computer network or involve collaboration among many entities or networks. Grids tend to be loosely coupled, heterogeneous, geographically dispersed and composed of general purpose software and middleware.


  1. House of Representatives, Committee on Science, "Supercomputing: Is the United States on the Right Path" (Hearing Transcript), at 5-6 (2003) (full-text).
  2. Australian Public Service Better Practice Guide for Big Data, at 11.