The IT Law Wiki
The IT Law Wiki


Founded in 2003, the GridWise® Alliance is a forum for the discussion of new ideas and concepts in smart grids. It is a vehicle for expanding the sphere of stakeholders, and engaged leaders of industry government, and community. Stakeholders are working cooperatively to move the industrial-age electric grid into the information age. This revolutionary undertaking is critical to ensuring the U.S.'s prosperity, national security, and public health and safety in decades and centuries.

The GridWise Alliance represents a broad range of the energy supply chain from utilities to large tech companies to academia to venture capitalists to emerging tech companies. This variety of stakeholders gives the Alliance a unique diversity of perspectives which enables interactive dialogue between members. Being a consensus-based organization, the assortment of opinions produces deliberate and highly reflected-upon resolutions to key issues.


  • GridWise Alliance, About the Alliance (full-text).