European Commission, Green Paper on Online Gambling in the Internal Market (24 Mar. 2011) (COM(2011)0128 final) (full-text).
The purpose of this Green paper is to launch an extensive public consultation on all relevant public policy challenges and possible Internal Market issues resulting from the rapid development of both licit and unauthorised on-line gambling offers directed at citizens located in the EU.
The Green Paper primarily aimed at obtaining a facts-based assessment of the EU online gambling market and of the different national regulatory frameworks of the Member States.
The consultation focused on six key interrelated themes: 1) Definition and organisation of online gambling services; 2) Rules and practices relating to services performed and/or used by online gambling service providers; 3) Consumer protection, including minors; 4) Public order (fraud and money laundering); 5) Financing of benevolent and public interest activities and events; 6) Enforcement of applicable laws.