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National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Green Paper: Fostering the Advancement of the Internet of Things (Jan. 12, 2017) (full-text).


The goal of this Green Paper is to identify elements of an approach for the Department of Commerce to foster the advancement of the Internet of Things. The record of comments underlying this green paper, however, does set forth a series of issues that should be considered in any future discussions related to the possibility of a national IoT strategy. The publication of this green paper will be followed by a further Request for Comment that will solicit feedback on the findings of the paper and the proposed approach and next steps. This further consultation will inform the Department's approach and next steps as we work with interagency partners on the U.S. Government's approach to IoT.

This document "addressed specific questions regarding the spectrum needs and potential interference related to IoT devices and reaffirmed the government's role in supporting technology growth. Furthermore, the report identified ongoing initiatives that support IoT as well as proposed future steps the Department of Commerce can take to further support IoT development. For example, NTIA's report proposed that it continue to analyze the usage and growth of IoT devices through its survey used to collect its Digital Nation data."[1]
