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Government Accountability Office, Geospatial Information: OMB and Agencies Can Reduce Duplication by Making Coordination a Priority (GAO-14-226T) (Dec. 5, 2013) (full-text).


The federal government collects, maintains, and uses geospatial informationinformation linked to specific geographic locations — to support many functions, including national security and disaster response. In 2012, the Department of the Interior estimated that the federal government was investing billions of dollars on geospatial data annually, and that duplication was common.

In November 2012, the GAO reported[1] on efforts to reduce duplicative investments in geospatial data, focusing on OMB, FGDC, and three agencies: the Departments of Commerce, the Interior, and Transportation.

This statement summarizes the results of that November 2012 report on progress and challenges in coordinating geospatial information and includes updates on the implementation of recommendations made in that report.

