Game Changers: Artificial Intelligence Part I, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Information Technology of the House Commmittee on Oversight and Government Reform, 115th Cong. (Feb. 14, 2018) (full-text).
This is the February 14, 2018 hearing before the House Subcommittee on Information Technology of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. From the opening statement of Will Hurd:
“ | This was the first hearing in a series of hearings on artificial intelligence. This series is an opportunity for the subcommittee to take a deep dive into artificial intelligence. And today's hearing is an opportunity to increase Congress' understanding of artificial intelligence, including its development, uses, and the potential challenges and advantages of government adoption of artificial intelligence. We have four experts on the matter whom I look forward to hearing from today. And in the next hearing we do, in March, I believe, we will hear from government agencies about how they are or should be adopting artificial intelligence into their operations, how they will use AI [ Artificial Intelligence ] to spend taxpayer dollars wisely and make each individual's interactions with the government more efficient, effective, and secure. | ” |